What we do

We use the Fine Guidance Sensors aboard Hubble
Space Telescope to measure star positions and study binary stars
unresolvable using ground-based techniques. Stellar positions yield information
on distance (parallax) and possible faint companions.
We also work to tie the HIPPARCOS reference frame to an extragalactic (non-rotating)
reference frame. Take a look at a few of our projects
described in more detail.
A complete current projects list contains both
GTO programs and those GO programs with which some of us are affliated.
What we've done

In the more than 20 years we have worked on this project, our paper production has
evolved from "this is what we are going to do" to "this
is what we did". We include recent
papers and abstracts, and
press releases as a guide
to near-term future results. We've provided beautiful
covers for the Astronomical Journal.
We also developed
software to aid us in our analyses.

While the misfigured primary mirror has caused us some problems (primarily
a loss of binary star detection capability and measurement precision), our
major irritation was that HST was not as stable a platform as we had hoped.
The old solar arrays flexed
and wiggled, driven by temperture changes caused by passage from sunlight
to dark in each orbit. The new
solar arrays , installed during the servicing mission in late 1993,
are disturbing our platform far less.