Some Other Astrometry Sites

SIM - Space Interferometry Mission

A space-based Optical Stellar Interferometer. In pursuit of microarcsecond precision astrometry.

Astrometry at The U.S. Naval Observatory

Astrometry is that branch of astronomy in which positions and motions of the Sun, Moon, planets and selected stars are precisely determined. The Naval Observatory is one of the few institutions in the world and the only one in the United ...


DIVA is a small astronomy satellite, planned for launch in 2004. It will measure positions, proper motions and parallaxes, magnitudes and colors of about 35 million stars. It will surpass the performance of ESA's Hipparcos in all relevant aspects.

The Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA)

The flagship project of Georgia State University's Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) is its optical/interferometric
array of six telescopes located on Mount Wilson, California.

Palomar Testbed Interferometer

PTI is designed to test several key technologies for the Keck interferometer as well as future space based interferometers such as SIM.

Navy Prototype Optical Interferometer

A cooperative project involving three astronomical institutions.

GAIA - Interferometric Astrometry

GAIA is a future astrometric mission sponsored by ESA...

Current Research: University of Virginia Department of Astronomy

Research (including astrometry) at the UVa Department of Astronomy.

Astrometry at Yale University

The field of astrometry has undergone a rebirth, as of late, and has once again assumed an influential role within many fields of astronomy. A new generation ...


FAME is an astrometric satellite designed to determine with unprecedented accuracy the positions, distances, and motions of 40 million stars within our galactic neighborhood.

Hipparcos Astrometry Mission

Hipparcos was a space experiment dedicated to the precise measurement of the positions, parallaxes and proper motions of the stars. The intended goal was to measure the ...