Benedict and McArthur HST Guest
Observer Projects |
Proposal |
PI |
Title |
GO-08335 |
Soderblom |
Calibrating Stellar Models with the Pleiades:
Resolving the Distance Discrepancy |
GO-08728 |
Franz |
Low-Mass Multiple System GL 831 (Wolf 922):
Definitive Orbit and Mass- Luminosity Relation |
GO-09089 |
Harrison |
FGS Parallaxes of Cataclysmic Variables |
GO-09167 |
Benedict |
FGS Astrometry of the Extrasolar Planet of Epsilon
Eridani |
GO-09168 |
Groot |
The Distances to AM CVn stars |
GO-09183 |
Soderblom |
Completing the Astrometric Orbit for a Pair of
Pre-Main Sequence Low-Mass Stars |
GO-09230 |
Beuermann |
FGS parallaxes of magnetic CVs |
GO-09234 |
Henry |
Calibrating the Mass-Luminosity Relation at the End
of the Main Sequence |
GO-09407 |
Benedict |
FGS Astrometry of a Star Hosting an Extrasolar Planet: The Mass of Upsilon Andromedae d |
GO-09943 |
McNamara |
Searching for Very Low Mass Objects in M35 Using the HST/FGS Archive |
GO-09879 |
Benedict |
An Astrometric Calibration of the Cepheid Period-Luminosity Relation |